I'm going to start this out by saying I am not a very good liar. At all. I never have been. I've kept things from my parents but in doing so usually avoided them lest they ask around said things and then I'd have to tell the truth.
I'm the type of person that is pretty open about who she is and what she likes/doesn't like in life. I've learned the little white lies to keep people happy but the bigger ones just leave me confused and uncomfortable.
I also need some practice on my poker face.
How the fuck am I a stripper you may wonder... don't worry, I wonder the same thing.
I'm not one of those strippers that talks about how horny she is or how much she wants to fuck you. I gotta be honest (seriously I don't know how to lie) there are very few people in the world that I would say "I want to fuck you" to. Very few. Doesn't mean I'm not attracted to people, it's just not in my personality to say such things. Don't think I am a stranger to the f word. I love it, I just never really talk dirty when it comes to actual sex.
When I work I take the time to get to know people, I don't feed them lies about who I am or what I do... well, I might stress the truth here and there... practicing contortionist... yeah, maybe not. All I do is watch pole dancing videos and do yoga? Again, no. I'm 22... definitely not.
Most of those lies were only used on one person and I just couldn't hold them up or try them again. I didn't get any money out of the guy I used them on and I felt like lying was just going to make the job more exhausting than it already can be.
The age lie I may have used twice. I realized fast that I wouldn't remember who I was telling the lies to when they came back though so I dropped it and started being honest, or avoiding the question when someone asked my age.
I mean, really custies, who cares? I look young, if you want a youngin pay attention to my looks. I talk like I'm a bit older, if you want a bit older pay attention to my words.
What do you guys get out of knowing our age? Or our real name? Should I make up a fake real name to tell people to make them feel special? Will that lie help anyone?
Okay, now to the original point of the post....
I know a lot of girls dancing in other cities have ways of hiding their job from people they don't want knowing. A lot of girls here hide it from their parents saying that work at restaurants or bars. Most of these people they lie to won't ever check on them. Won't get the sudden inspiration to visit them at work.
I am not so lucky. I figured when I moved back up I would say that I was working at a clothing store that I use to work at. I got pretty honest with the parents pretty quick in admitting I was dancing again. They don't live in this city so they never would have been able to come in an visit at my clothing store work but they asked me outright if I was dancing again and I can't lie with a question like that.
So, now, one of my parents has a friend that lives out here that I've met and am going to meet up with again. They recently asked me which location am I working at (of the clothing store). I don't know what to say. If I say the one I use to work at it would be easy for them to go in a check. If I say I quit, where do I say I work now? Then I have to explain why I haven't told my parents yet lalala. I'm not sure my parents want me to be honest with their friend about where I am actually working. I guess I could ask them but it's already a sore subject.
Do I tell the person I work at the far out location of the clothing store so the likelihood of them visiting is low? If so am I going to have to learn about that area just in case anyone asks any questions about the location?
This is why the truth is so much easier for me. I'm not ashamed of what I am doing or who I am but I sometimes lie to save my parents. The only reason I lie about this job generally is to protect other people. I don't tell certain friends because well, they aren't really friends, just aquaintences. I don't tell certain people I meet, especially older ones in higher positions in life because it may tarnish their opinion of me. It's not fair but it's true.
I don't plan on having it anywhere on my resume when I continue onto a career in the future. Again, not ashamed. But I'm also not so dumb to think that people will still have the same opinion of me after they hear. It doesn't matter how responsible or awesome I am for months before they learn of this side of my life, some people just can't handle it and either think I'm work dating down or that I'm something completely different than they originally thought.
Oh what to do, what to do. I'm a stripper that can't lie.
What would hurt them more, the truth about your dancing or the lie/omission that you aren't? Also, the more elaborate/deliberate the deception becomes, the more damaging the revelation will be. It's like detoxing from a hard drug...if you're too far gone the recovery might be fatal. But if you get clean early enough, the healing can be swift and complete. Of course, I barely know you and don't know your parents (duh), so all this could be eight kinds of BS. But this is a familiar dilemma for me, and I enjoy sharing and discussing it. :)