Welp, it's been a while since my last post, AGAIN. shoot. again having problems logging in after logging into my other blog and I can NOT have the two mix. No, no, no, soooo I took a break from here, but not from twitter just so you know!
But, I figured it all out! I'll use Firefox when doing this blog and Safari for my other, more family and future job appropriate, blog.
Now that that business is taken care of....
I've been trying a new club as of late. It's a good time and a really good decision. Turns out people don't like sulky strippers and well, I turn sulky when people don't pay me for my hard work. Don't act like it's not hard work, I have bruises and strains (of my cheek muscles from fake smiling so hard) to prove it.
I use to really enjoy this job. I have a secret (to my other life) exhibitionist hidden in here and shit, I love attention. I love when people tell me I'm hot and sexy and they want to fuck me. I love turning guys on, even if they will never be able to turn me on. Why? Maybe power, maybe self esteem issues branching from problems in junior high, who knows...
Point is, I use to like this job but lately I've been questioning it. Yes it can still be fun, yes the occasional customer can remind me of the fun times I had but at this one club things just felt like they were spiraling out of control and it felt like I would never make money again AND like I just bored the fuck out of the customers on my rack.
I'm not normally a big fan of myself but here's what I can say. I'm NOT boring on stage. I am also not boring in lap dances. I'm not boring. The only time I'm really boring, EVER, in life is when I feel super uncomfortable and get shy and second guess myself. I don't do that on stage anymore, ever. I've seen how the other girls dance and shit dude, I got a lot going for me. I'm going to throw modesty away for a bit and say I can give a hell of a sexy show. If you're male and have any interest in my body type I can most likely get you hard... with your clothes still on.
Haha, I guess that's really not saying much. There are plenty a girl in the strip club that have jacked faces, or jacked bodies and still make these club goers create tents with their pants. Really dude? THAT face doesn't make the boner go weak? Good thing I'm not a dude or many, many chicks wouldn't be getting money, OR getting laid.
But that's just me.
So right, new club... stories so far...
-a man stuck his finger in my belly button. I think he was pretending like it was my bottom fun hole (not to be mixed with my back bottom fun hole) which just made me sad for any woman he had been with. Sir, that's not going to make any girl cum.
-same man asked if I liked big or small... clearly referring to dick size. I, in my infinite wisdom, decided to tell him that it didn't matter as long as they knew how to use it... he proceeded to try and hump me in mid dance, in his sitting position. oh yes baby, that would give it to me right. hahahahaha no.
- it is a very small percentage of male that gives two shits about a pole trick. unless of course that's your whole shtick and you do things maybe 3 girls in the world do. We have one of those girls at my first club. She's fantastic and I'd throw down cash if I were a customer. as for me, well guys rather I be thisclose to them, as soon as I start climbing the pole they literally look everywhere else. no one cares.
-acting dumber than I am really makes for great conversation. the biggest pig (like misogynistic) i've met ever (that's been open with his ideas) was going on about how the pull out method works great and it's all good because he doesn't have any stds he's been tested and he'll just check out the downstairs before he puts it in and how no one watches women's sports and they aren't really sports because no one bets on the outcome and how he fucked some chick with his roommate (yup, two dude threesome) but then because she wouldn't let his friend put it in the back bottom fun hole she made him stop and just went to the room with this winner I now had the joy of talking to. She continued there to "force" him to hump her even though he claimed whiskey dick and THEN she took his money and his cell phone before he woke up the next day. He said more stuff about this chick like she should have been a team player and let it go in the back bottom fun hole if she was going to steal money blah blah blah but I'd already judged him by then and decided the girl definitely deserved the money she took.
- sometimes when people (guys) talk I wonder how in the world they EVER get a girl to sleep with them. Hot, ugly, decent, doesn't matter. These guys blow my mind with their idiocy. I literally laugh in their face...
-which reminds me... worked a day shift, it was going well for a bit then I got hungry and tired of a different girl (not a great dancer but with a nice, real, rack) getting so many effing dances. So this guy comes to my stage, and he has at least one indicator that he's not going to spend money but I smile anyways, because I guess that's one part of the job, and he starts with how the song is almost over and I'm going to leave the stage. His excuse for no money down. I told him I'd still be there so then he musters the energy or something to sit down, talks more, worries again about how the song is almost over, I say once again I'm not leaving the stage yet, he throws a couple ones down, I dance, take off layer one of the bottoms, clap my ass (yeah i said it!) and come back to give him attention when he says "you probably don't have time for friends do you." I didn't know if he was trying to say I was a snooty bitch so I said I hang out with friends a lot and I adopted a high pitched voice which apparently is less snooty and less off putting. He then said "well, I'm not trying to switch things up or anything but maybe we can hang out sometime." I laughed. That's it, I just laughed. Then I went back to the pole to climb and do a trick or two. I look over, he's still at the rack but looking at his cell phone. Homie, you're not popular or busy. You just asked a stripper to hang out after not even a full song. You threw $2. You're not rich, you have NO idea how to get a stripper's attention and you're a fucking moron.
I'm beginning to realize that I would love it if these guys really did believe all we were interested in was their money. I enjoy good conversation but man the more I work the more I just want them to pay me to dance and then have them gtfo.
If you want a prostitute go to a whore house, I'm not about to let you touch my boobs or lady luck for a mere $20. I'm DEFINITELY not going to touch yours for that little and you're fucking high as a kite in space if you think I'm going to put my gorgeous, clean mouth anywhere near the skin of your dick. Ever. Wait, that makes it sound like touching boobs or puss in boots could happen with enough money... we're talking in the high high hundred thousands with confirmation of no diseases before my mind would consider it. What? Don't look at me like that! We all have a price for certain things. I don't have a price for killing a creature human or anything bigger than a bug. I just won't do it.
Tangent alert.
Point being, high high hundred thousands basically right next door to a million could pay for just about everything I want to do in life right now. With half in savings. I've had people touch with far worse outcomes... no pay, NO DINNER, I paid for dinner... AND no grand finale. At least with the hundreds of thousands option if I didn't cum (let's be real I wouldn't) I'd have money to roll around it for a decade or more.
But seriously, no less than high hundreds of thousands. And since I don't think those kinds of customers exist because there are hookers who do it for way less, hell there are dancers who do it for way less, my nips and love button are safe from those wandering hands. Unfortunately I still subject her to dates wandering hands...
my last thought goes a little like this: gentlemen, it's not a button on a remote with dying batteries. If you push it harder and harder it does not make me happy, in fact it makes me really uncomfortable. Imagine me flat handing the tip of your dick over and over when you're really feeling good. Just hitting it. I feel like that might just hurt. Well, yeah, SO STOP IT! It's more like a rollerball on a mouse, be gentle, a little goes a long way.
and I'm out!
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