I'm going to start this out by saying tonight was a good night. I'm then going into my rant about this one busted chick that stepped on some toes (mine, metaphorically speaking) and somehow got away without any harm.
Back story on this girl I know dub Tragedy. First night I worked with her she came in late, her stomach is all fucked, maybe from a baby she no longer has or she use to be over weight and lost the fat but kept the skin, I think it's baby but she definitely doesn't have the kid now so who knows. That night she got drunk (not unusual) and at the end of the night I went to give a customer a last dance and I see her face down on a guy's lap. Surprisingly it's not what you are thinking. He face was by his knees and he was just sitting there smiling at me when I would look over to see if she was moving. She passed out on this guy's lap. I wish I was joking.
Second night she comes in an hour late. By this point I'm wondering how she still gets to work. This new set of clubs I am at has been rumored to be very strict about being on time. Maybe she was charged $100 and it was counted as a first offense, I am not sure. Point is, she came in an hour late (maybe 30 minutes but it felt like I had been there for quite some time) and looked incredibly haggard and like she had been crying. I went into mom mode (weakness) and asked her what was wrong. I immediately (before she even opened her mouth to tell me) regretted it. These two clubs, while a tad more strict do see a lot of sad, wrecked, tragic cases come through and sometimes I forget that. So she mumbles about having a shitty boyfriend and why does she keep someone around that treats her like shit and lalala he stole all her money blah blah blah. Great, that's what I wanted to hear. Another sob story. Another bad egg that makes the rest of us seem like we have daddy issues or shitty boyfriends or drug problems. I know that there are a good few of us who do, but there are also a good few not strippers that also have those problems. I am free and clear of all said issues thank you very much and I don't appreciate these cliché cases making it harder to convince people I'm not a fucking psycho.
Through the second night she is late to her stages, gets fucked up and just annoys me but I don't have to pay too much attention because on that night we were at the larger club and so there was more space to forget.
Third night, tonight. I get to work 10 minutes before my scheduled time thinking I am a burden on others because I am not ready early. I ask the DJ how many girls we are suppose to have on this fine night and he tells me 5 + one that stays until 12, but at the moment we are at 3 + said extra girl. Awesome. I look at him and ask, "Is Tragedy one of those girls?" Again, her name isn't Tragedy though it may as well be, but I've changed it for her stupid safety. He almost seems surprised when I guess right and inform him not to hold his breath because she's always late. He says she might be fired if she doesn't show up before 15 after. I do a stage set, make a friend I think, go in the back and see that Tragedy (and the other girl) finally made it. She hadn't walked in by the 15 mark so I was wondering what was going to come next. Other late girl got off with a warning, then the DJ attempted to send Tragedy home. The water started pouring down the craters in her face. Somehow, by a miracle that only befalls the pathetic, boss man (not DJ, boss man on the phone) decides she can stay. She cries about not having money to stay in her hotel that night and blah blah blah not my or the club's problem, what about the money you made the other night and/or the money your boyfriend stole from you, not to mention, once again, not my problem.
I leave the dressing room at this point devoid of empathy or even pity. The night goes on and as she is the one following me she manages to get to her stage late every. single. time. Look bitch, as if you being horrendous isn't bad enough, please get your ass in gear and make it to your stage on time. I shouldn't have to babysit the customers for you crater face.
The night goes on some more and we are getting to the last 4 songs that are strictly for lap dances. I'm talking to this guy that has been getting dances from me all night and Pathetic Tragedy (now she has two names) comes over (while I'm sitting with him) whispers in his ear and pulls him away. WHAT BITCH?! I wish I could say at this point that I
a) looked at her and said, "Back off bitch. It's not my problem that you need this lap dance money for your boyfriend's almost certain heroin problem or even your own. I don't give a fuck about how much it cost to stick a needle in your arm or stay at the shittiest hotel in town, step the fuck off or your boyfriend is not the only one that is going to be beating you tonight."
b) walked into the back during their second dance to tell her it was my turn just like he told me to do as he was walking away. Not for his satisfaction, mind you, but for mine.
Instead I glared viciously, lamented to my favorite bouncer/cook with some very choice words and then walked by the doorway of the dance room once and decided it wasn't worth it and went to the back to change into my home clothes.
I was very, very tempted to say some rude comment later, or tell her it was not alright to pull what she did but I legitimately love where I work right now and don't need a reason to be fired. Especially on someone as wrecked as she. Truth be told, he antics will have her gone with or without me and while I would have loved to add another $40 to my money tonight (or any night) I was not about to get on her level OR play into a chick fighting chick fantasy. Sorry dude, you're dick isn't that worth it to me. I will play into a dumb girl fantasy, a bi girl fantasy, a nerdy girl or even a party girl fantasy (the last one is a tad harder to pull off but not completely) but I will NOT compete with another girl for your attention or money, at least not that you know of. I'm fucking awesome, I give a stellar dance and I look a million times better than she does bouncing naked on your lap or grinding my ass against your clothed dick. Truth. Just about anyone in that club would agree with me. Those who wouldn't are legitimately blind.
Phew. I think I feel better now. I still want to smash that ugly face in but I'm going to wait it out. If she works again she's going to have some issues.
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