Sunday, June 19, 2011

thoughts on tipping

For once I am not talking about the custies on the rack. I can go on and on about things custies could do better when tipping but that's old news. This is for the ladies, the ladies of the pole. Yes, my fellow strippers.

I generally make friend with bartenders, bouncers, djs and managers because I genuinely like people and if I'm going to be seeing you often, we may as well have each other's backs... right? Right. In doing so I get to hear about some of the complaints. The biggest complaint I hear across the board is how some dancers just don't know how to tip.



I mean, you work your ass off for tips, and I know some of the others are getting paid hourly but still.

My motto is, if I talked to the person and they've been nice to me/helped me with something, even if it's just opening a door, then I am going to tip them something by the end of the night.

Each drink I order (even if it is water or diet coke, which is the majority of the time) I generally tip $2. (I do this at Starbucks too which always throws them for a loop.) If there is a minimum tip out and I've made decent (and I mean low end of decent) I'll add a couple extra dollars.
My dinner was $4.50? Tip the cook $2-3 and tip the bartender/whoever took my order at least $1.

Is this ridiculous?

I think it's fair. These people are all helping you out. Bouncers keep you safe and usually have some pretty funny stories, bartenders serve the custies drinks all night and the more sloshed the looser their wallets get, cooks make food that fuels you through the night, and if you tip them they are more likely to make special changes for you....

What I am trying to say is, ladies, first and foremost tip the people you come in contact with helping you or your customer.

Another issue of tipping...

Sometimes on day shifts or even on night shifts a girl will come running to the back frantically asking if someone will cover their stage. I get it, you're getting dances in the back and are going to almost guarantee more money than if you went on stage for two songs and the guy lost interest. Soooo, if you are going to be making that money and the girl who covers you is not, or even if she is, I think the best, most courteous thing to do would be tip her. Yup, give her a $5 (or a drink) to say thanks for covering. At the least you still made $15 bucks and if you judged right with that customer you made a hell of a lot more and $5 won't break your bank.

Why does it matter? Take care of people and they will take care of you. Be a little more free with your money and you will likely get stronger drinks, more help getting guys to buy you drinks, better food, more girls wanting to help you out, bouncers really looking out for you and djs really willing to play the songs you dance well to.

I'm a firm believer in what goes around comes around, and so I tip generously any time I can.

I swear next post I'll have a funny story or something.


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